Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Year...A New You!

2012 is coming to a close. It's a time to reflect back on the year and a time to look towards the new year. Most people decide upon their New Years resolutions and use it as a reset point. Getting in shape and losing weight has always been a top resolution. That's where we come in. We plan to help you maintain that resolution by encouraging you to come to our classes, to enjoy your time with us, to feel like you can be yourself, and be around positive people. All of those elements make for a successful outcome. There's nothing worse than feeling like you have to drag yourself to a class and not enjoy the company.

We pride ourselves on being positive, being inclusive, having fun, and as always giving you a fun workout with great choreography and music.

2013 is going to be a phenomenal year...we can feel it in our Zumba bones.

Make 2013 your year! We'll be there to support you and have fun doing it.

Check our schedule here and make you your priority.

See you in 2013

Monday, December 27, 2010

QR Code Scanner it's the future!

Do you want to access our class information really fast but can't always remember our website address or direct link? Well you can scan our QR code and go straight to the info. Have a go, if you have Blackberry Messenger open up the BBM app. Click menu and select the scan group barcode. The camera will turn on and it will automatically focus and then give you an option to go to the link. Other smartphones may differ with the process of scanning. You can get class info in an instant. If you need a free QR reader app you can visit

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Follow Us~Like Us~Email Us

Social media is how we're all connected these days and there's a bunch of ways in which you can find out what we're up to.

"Like Us" on Facebook 

"Follow Us" on Twiter


There are so many Latin styles of dance and Salsa is probably one of the most recognizable and popular ones that we use in our Zumba classes.We don't know about you but the minute we listen to Salsa we are immediately transported to place where we could easily be on vacation in a warm climate, we're tanned from the sun, the music is playing, and we're ready to move in a free and sexy way. Yep that pretty much sums up Salsa. Here's a video that will take you to that place and so will our classes...enjoy! Salsa Video

Zumba Fitness

Zumba...Zumba...Zumba...most people have heard of it or have experienced it. If you are one those people who have yet to "Ditch the workout and join the party" well we look forward to telling you exactly what it is. Rarely does a workout not feel like a workout, rarely do you want your workout to never end...that is the Zumba fitness workout. We all know that music is the #1 motivator when it comes to a great workout and Zumba delivers 100% of the time. Zumba music covers world rhythms from salsa to Bollywood! The other part of Zumba that makes it so exciting is the choreography, it's simple to follow, it's repeats itself through the entire song, and by the end of the song you will have it mastered. You do not have to be a dancer to enjoy a Zumba class just a desire to move and move you will. You will find yourself moving body parts that you didn't think you had! It takes one class from a fun and exciting instructor and you will never look back. So, by now you're wondering where you can jump two feet into a class....just click this link and go to the "Find a class" tab. We'll see you in class....aye aye aye aye!
Zumba Sisters